Three Important Electrical Tips for Successful CCTV Installation

Posted on: 20 January 2021

If you are interested in enhancing the security on your commercial or residential property by installing CCTV surveillance, you should plan on hiring a qualified electrician. The process of installing this type of wired monitoring equipment can be complicated and time-consuming. Moreover, if the electrical elements are not handled correctly, there will be a considerable risk of property damage, unreliable function and subsequent losses. In addition to engaging a professional, consider using these simple electrical tips for CCTV installation.

Evaluate the Power Supply Requirements

You should understand the electrical power requirements for your security system before beginning the installation process. It is important to ensure that your electrical setup can provide the required energy for stable operation. Where possible, you should plan to have the power voltage in your building assessed. Also, evaluate your electrical design and determine the best approach to connecting the CCTV elements. If your current system does not meet the requirements, consult your electrician about conducting an upgrade.

Choose the Right Cabling and Wiring

The correct setup of a wired surveillance system depends on the proper placement of connecting cables. The cables are essential for transmitting data from capture to the monitoring station. This aspect makes a conventional CCTV unit more reliable than wireless alternatives. The use of cabling promotes stability and consistency in the data transmittance. A surveillance system also requires electrical wiring for supporting the flow of power. If the wiring is not reliable, the risk of malfunctions will be high. Therefore, it is essential to choose the best cables and wires for the installation. If the manufacturer does not provide these components, check the recommendations.

Plan for Sufficient Area Lighting

When planning on installing a surveillance system, you should think about increasing the lighting around your property. Keep in mind that it will be difficult to monitor activities and identify intruders if there is insufficient light. Ideally, you should determine the field of view of the CCTV cameras. Then, you should choose light points which will brighten the scene in the dark. The goal is to ensure that the objects seen on the surveillance are not too dark to be seen. Also, be careful not to choose overly bright bulbs which will wash out and distort the images. Additionally, think about energy efficiency and select lighting products which will minimise the power usage.

Finally, you should test the installed CCTV system to make sure that the setup is ideal. If there are anomalies such as unstable data transmission, plan for immediate troubleshooting and repair. 
